Thursday, May 7, 2009

Just Because.....

I was in the bookstore this evening browsing through the newsstand and amongst all the tripe (I mean c'mon, it's 2009, why are there six magazines that have something freaking "Star Wars" related on the cover? How many magazines dedicated to knitting outfits for teddy bears does the world need?) I saw that Neko Case was on the cover of "Acousic Guitar" magazine. I tried to find the image online but was unable to find that particular picture. You should be able to see it if you click on the link.

She was also on the cover of "Paste" a month or so ago.

It's no secret, except to maybe Neko herself, that I am truly, madly, deeply, hopelessly, and irrevocably madly in love with Neko Case. I saw her twice in the last six months. Once at First Ave. back in the fall and just recently at the State Theater. The former show was better than the latter but I was in Neko bliss on both occassions nonetheless.

"It was so clear to me
that it was almost invisible.
I lie across the path waiting,
just for a chance to be a spiderweb
trapped in your lashes.
For that, I would trade you my empire for ashes.
But I choke it back,
how much I need love..."

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