Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Because you care....

Here is what I have been up to lately when I am not studying, sleeping, in-class, or masturbating...

Reading: I finally got around to reading Jonathan Franzen's "The Corrections" which had been sitting in the "To Be Read" stack for the better part of 4 years. One word: Merciless. Another: Brilliant. A third: Funny. You get the idea, I loved the book and I am glad that the Oprah controversy, dare I say the Oprah kerfuffle, surrounding the book has sufficiently passed. Next up: "This Republic of Suffering" by Drew Gilpin Faust. On Deck: "A Well Paid Slave" by Brad Snyder.

Watching: Season Four of Penn & Teller's Bullshit, MLB on the Satellite (I got to watch Dave Niehaus throw out the ceremonial first pitch in Seattle the other night), "A Man for All Seasons" (RIP Paul Scofield), Rock of Love II, Baseball Tonight (For the love of God, ESPN, please fire Eric Young), The First 48 (I actually got hooked on this show because we watched a few episodes in my Criminal Procedure class. See, school can be educational!)

Listening: Lately Nina Nastasia, Quest's "Low End Theory," and "In Rainbows" have been in heavy rotation in the car. I have been having Ipod troubles (as well as computer troubles which we won't get into) so I am relegated from mostly listening to music (my jams) in the car. And heads up people, the new Tapes 'n Tapes album, "Walk It Off" hits stores next week.

Internetting: Two blogs I have been reading religiously of late. Let me plug Sarah Jaffe's "Season of the Bitch" first because she has stopped by this very humble blog on a couple of occassions. I don't recall exactly how I found her blog but I think it was through Lawyers, Guns, and Money. Anyway, Sex. Politics. Rock & Roll. Film. Lipgloss. Yep, that's it. Except Sarah writes on these things and so much more with a tremendous amount of intelligence, wit, and heart. Recently she had some very personal and touching posts about the loss of a friend. Great stuff.

The other blog that has me in stiches, in a good way, is Christina at Blah Blah Blahler. Never has living in Duluth seemed so packed with adventure, comedy, and romance.

Eating: Jimmy Johns. Like everyday. Jesus Christ. Somehow they managed to place their franchise locations strategically so that I can easily access one of their Sandwiches of Mediocrity conveniently no matter where I am and what time I am there. (This includes my way home after the bar closes.....mmmmmm)

I also have been introduced to a sushi place downtown that a few of my friends frequent. And I mean they frequent this place. The entire staff knows them, including the guys in the kitchen, and they have recently told them that if they can come up with a new roll, they would try to make it and if it turned out alright, they would put it on the menu and name it after them. These are good friends to have.

Drinking: Actually not too much. But I think I am going out on Saturday. Buckle up.

Wondering: What I would do if I was at the zoo and a tiger escaped. Run? Stay still? Push other people out of the way? Push other people in the way?

Dreaming about: The other night I dreamed I put on a pair of pants and it was filled with snakes. They were all over, coming out my pant leg. Fucking freaked me out.

Working out: Nope

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww, thanks for the plug.