Monday, February 18, 2008

My Theory

I have been keeping an eye on this story, the United States is planning on shooting a spy satellite down as it falls to earth.

As I understand it the reasons for intercepting the satellite rather than letting it fall to earth are twofold.

1) It contains sensitive spy information that the United States does not want to see fall into the wrong hands. Presumably they mean the Chinese, the Russians, or the Trinidadians and Tobagonians.

2) The satellite debris could potentially be harmful. This has something to do with toxic gas or alien jism or something.

I would think that there is a third reason for this course of action, though I have not seen this as an official reason in the reports or the literature.

3) It could hit somebody in the head.

However, I suspect there is yet another compelling reason why the United States government has chosen this particular course of action, though they won't admit it:

4) It's gonna be super cool to watch us shoot that som' bitch down.

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