Thursday, June 19, 2008

I think I'll stay in the closet a little longer

Four years ago I took a trip to Seattle for a wedding. It was my first visit and I fell in love with the city. I went to a Mariners game and fell in love with Safeco field. Ever since then I have considered myself something of a closet Mariners fan. I follow them online, read a few great M's related blogs, and put their games in heavy rotation as I flip through games on the MLB package I have on satellite.

All I can say, is what a disaster. They have the worst record in baseball, they had the worst GM in sports until they fired him, and now they let go of Jim McClaren. The firing of McClaren was probably a step in the right direction but they have MILES to go. King Felix is going to look good in pinstripes in a few years, they are quite slimming.

I think I'll stay in the closet a little while longer.

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