Wednesday, February 20, 2008

And the train kept a rollin'

10 in a row. My biggest fear is that as the Clinton camp grows more desperate the threat of Rove-like tactics increases. She needs to win Ohio and Texas decisively. It appears that it least in Texas a win may possible, but a decisive win isn't going to happen. Obama appears to be making serious inroads in Ohio as well

Here is a take on Hilary's chances and options:

Money Quote:

"There is nothing left but strained, over-the-top shenanigans in the service of pulling off a mathematically impossible fantasy.
That, or a polite, reasoned withdrawal in the interest of faits accomplis and party unity, leaving her, in eight years, still nearly four years younger than the current Republican nominee.[...]
She can now stay mired in the silliness and do the party a whole lot of damage, or she can crawl out of it and do the party and herself a whole lot of good.
She can, that is, simply withdraw now. The test of Wisconsin was whether Obama would continue taking occupation of virtually every demographic territory once so confidently held by Mrs. Clinton. He did, and he did it decisively."

(H/T: Sullivan)

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