Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Year, New Me

And yes, I know I stated previously that I would be posting more, and I will...I promise. It's just that in the last week I started a new job and classes started today.

Today I began more third and final year of law school (19th grade) and I am glad it has begun, only because that means that it will eventually end.

When my summer clerkship ended I was able to secure an internship for the school year at a big company in a ridiculously big building. The work itself is ok, thus far the biggest challenge has been finding my desk. That isn't a joke. I can't find my desk. The other interns I work with have expressed the same concern.

I know what floor I work on and I know sort of what wing my area is, but when you enter the building with the maze of cubicles and halls and virtually no signs telling you where you are, it is easy to get turned around. I go back tomorrow after being away for two days so buckle up, it could be a bumpy ride.

Who is it gonna be?

My top two choices would be Seblieus and Richardson, but everything seems to be pointing to Bayh or Biden. I think it will be Bayh. I actually like Biden a lot more than most people seem to. His foreign policy experience and judgment are quite sound and I think his straightforward, no b.s. persona will register well with blue color voters. Plus, it's important to get Delaware's three electoral votes locked up.

I am one of those people who will be getting a text message from the Obama campaign announcing the selection. As soon as we know, I will post and have some sort of ill-thought out, poorly worded, and vapid commentary. The problem is that I often don't know where my phone is or the ringer is on silent. So the chances that the rest of the world learns of the selection before I do are quite high.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday Links

Here are a few noteworthy thing I have come across in the last few days, ranked in order of importance.

1) Natalia Antonova on Russia and Georgia. Under the best of circumstances (i.e. no artillery shelling between countries) eastern European politics are a vast mystery to me. I have been trying to read up on this South Ossetia situation. Ms. Antonova has an interesting commentary. (h/t: Sarah)

2) Prophet Muhammed Novel Scrapped. Regardless of its quality (or lack thereof) or its possibilty to offend (and it seems that this book would be offensive) it is a terribly sad and frightening day when art of any kind is stifled, or in this case, halted, on dual grounds that someone might find it offensive or there may be violent repercussions should that art be exhibited. For society to not only progress, but to even survive, there must be the free flow of the exchange of ideas, and that includes ideas that can make us uncomfortable.

3) Sherman Alexie, for reasons I still don't quite understand, gave testimony in support of keeping the Sonics in Seattle. He wrote about it and gives us the quote for today:

" If a country were governed like the National Basketball Association, we'd be sending in UN peacekeeping forces."

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

In case you were wondering

Most of the people who read this blog know me, as in like know me in real life. But there maybe some of you reading this that may not know me and may wonder what I look like. Well, I found a recent picture taken of me and my significant other at a sporting event. Wonder no more.

Interestingly, I am not even that big of a fan of #3 per se, that numeral is just the way my back hair naturally grows.

I'm not dead, I just live in the midwest

To much fanfare, I return. I have neglected this blog and I apologize, I undoubtedly lost the two or three readers I had due to my hiatus, but we return anew.

I have little to say other than that I will try to post more often. I did have a number of posts that I had started to write over these last few months but never could find the time or motivation to complete them. In fairness I have been crazy busy this summer. I took a class, have been working full time, and I have been drinking.

Some of the topics covered in these incomplete postings were:

1) Why I think Kathleen Sebelius is the right VP choice
2) My review of "The Dark Knight"
3) My late night trip to the porn shop.
4) "What's wrong with the Cleveland Indians?"
5) An Open Love Letter to the tattoed girl who works at this little bookstore I recently discovered.
6) "The Starbucks Closings: A Good Start"

Sadly none of these posts came to fruition, but as I said, we start anew. Check back again, won't ya?